3 Bad habits that are ageing your eyes
Over the past few weeks on Instagram the hottest topic in my inbox has been everything eye related. From bags and dark circles to crow’s feet and puffiness, I’ve read all your questions and queries.
So today, I thought we’d deep dive into the subconscious daily habits that may be causing these issues and thankfully, they’re all super easy to correct…
#1 Stop scrub-a-dub-dubbing
This is a habit I’ve personally been trying to break recently and now I’m drawing your attention to it here, I bet you’ll catch yourself doing it this week too!
Rubbing your eyes not only pulls and stretches the delicate skin and leads to premature lines, but it’s also one of the worst culprits for causing dark circles. The rubbing motion damages the fragile vessels in the area and causes them to break-down. The blood within them then pools under your eyes creating that shadowy, bruised appearance that feels almost impossible to get rid of.
The first step in breaking this bad habit is becoming aware. The next time you catch yourself with your hands scrunched into your eyes, gently pull them away and you’ll find that over time, you’re able to catch yourself before your hands even reach you face.
My other top tip is to be careful when cleansing as well. It’s so easy to get carried away and be a tad too aggressive, so aim to be as gentle as you can and avoid all waterproof makeup formulas, so that everything melts away effortlessly.
#2 Don’t forget to accessorise your eyes
Now I know for a fact that no one is here for fashion advice, but this bad habit crosses style with skincare, so bear with me a second…
If you need glasses but are not wearing them as prescribed, over time the repetitive squinting motions you make to try and bring your eyes into focus will lead to deep-set lines and wrinkles.
The same also applies to your sunglasses. They work in exactly the same way and stop you distorting your face when the springtime sun is glaring in your direction. Plus, they have the added bonus of protecting against sun damage too!
To make sure I wear mine regularly, I personally don’t spend a fortune on glasses as they come here, there and everywhere with me and I don’t want to be precious about damaging them. Instead, I simply pick affordable pairs that I truly enjoy wearing as it encourages me to maximise their benefits. As a by-product, it just so happens to look somewhat stylish and keeps my eyes and the skin around them, strong and youthful too.
#3 Skip the wrong kind of energy boosts
When I do a skin consultation with a new client in clinic, one of the first things we cover is diet and lifestyle. This just helps to build a picture of what’s happening on the inside, so I can see if it’s being reflected on the outside.
One bad habit that comes up most often is a high caffeine intake. Although this may give your body the buzz it needs to get through the day, unfortunately it can make your eyes appear as if they’ve not slept a wink.
This is because caffeine is a diuretic which means it causes your body to lose water. So not only will you find yourself dashing to the bathroom more often, but you’ll also notice that the precious hydration under your eyes seeps away too and can leave them looking dull and sunken before lunchtime.
Now I’m not going to be a complete party-pooper and tell you to cut caffeine completely, but I would suggest limiting your intake to 2 cups a day and prioritising your sleep instead. Not only will this have you looking bright-eyed and bushy-tailed but more importantly, it will make you feel like you can take on the day naturally too.
I hope the benefits of tweaking these daily habits will be written all over your face in the coming weeks, but if your eyes are in need of an extra boost, try adding a drop of our Miracle Eye Complex into your routine too. It reduces dark circles, puffiness and fine lines simultaneously and ensures your eyes are bright and youthful even when life gets in the way…I like to think of it as ‘Skinsurance’!

Amy x
Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!