4 Easy Steps To Beat Cellulite By A Qualified Expert

4 Easy steps to beat cellulite

Amy x

Although I wholeheartedly believe that every body is a beach body, when I know my legs are going to be on show, I do my best to give them a helping hand…Particularly in the cellulite department!

If this dimpled appearance is something that adorns your limbs too, then please don’t worry! It affects between 80-90% of women, simply because of the way our fat cells are distributed.

They lay beneath our connective tissue which runs in vertical lines under our skin. This means that it’s very easy for our fat cells to poke through and create that bumpy texture on the surface. The reason only 10% of men experience this in comparison, is because their connective tissue has a much stronger, crosshatch structure.

So cellulite has very little to do with our size, shape or proportions, it’s simply part of womanhood ❤️

And while there’s no way we can completely banish the bumpiness altogether, there are a few simple steps you can incorporate to smooth your skin. So, here’s my easy, 4-step, cellulite-busting guide…

Step 1: Ice, ice baby...

I’m one of those people who’s always flipping freezing, so the idea of a cold shower fills me with dread! However, I will embrace one for the 2 minutes required to obtain their skin smoothing properties.

Think of it a bit like jump starting your car…Our circulatory system can get a bit sluggish, so exposing it to icy water gives it a brisk wake up call. It immediately constricts your blood vessels which then redirects blood to the deeper tissues where it’s needed. This rapid redirection improves your overall skin tone and texture and also has a temporary skin tightening effect too - Great if you need a quick fix! 🙌🏼

Step 2: Work from the inside out...

Although most of the corrective cellulite work is done externally, the preventive methods work best when focused internally.

For example, excess sugar consumption breaks down your collagen and elastin fibres and too much alcohol impairs your detoxification process. Both lead to a weakening in your connective tissue and exaggerate that dimpled effect on the surface of your skin.

So as with all things in life, embrace everything in moderation 🙌🏼

Step 3: Buff your body...

When your skin is dry and dehydrated, all imperfections look exaggerated. So to help your limbs appear as even as possible, you want to avoid ineffective ‘cellulite creams’ and embrace exfoliation instead.

My favourite way to do it is by massaging an exfoliating body treatment into my skin. The massage works to breakdown fatty deposits and streamlines your connective tissue too.

The lotion then effortlessly removes the build up of dead skin cells, resurfacers the top layer of your skin and completely renews the texture, for the most silky limbs of your life…If this sounds like something you need to try immediately, keep your eyes peeled for next weeks blog as something new is coming 😉 

Step 4: Movement is medicine...

We all know that exercise is wonderful for our mind, body and spirit, but it’s also a brilliant cellulite buster too. When we move there’s enhanced circulation to our limbs, lymphatic drainage is increased to filter out toxins and it also supercharges our collagen production.

All this combined with the obvious muscle toning benefits, makes exercise a perfect skin smoothing recipe. Aim to be moving for at least 20 minutes a day and it’ll work wonders in all areas of your life 🥰

So there we have it - How to get beautiful, even skin from your head to your toes 🙌🏼 And if you’d like to be the first to try our new magical formula mentioned in step 3, I’ll see you back here next Sunday for an extra special blog 😍

Amy x

Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!