Answering your scariest skincare questions!
To celebrate Halloween, I'm answering the skincare questions many are either too afraid, or perhaps slightly too embarrassed, to ask. In the safety of our little BASE bubble, there is no question off-limits. So let’s try not to blush as we uncover the answers together...
Does sleeping in my makeup actually do any harm?
I can’t deny that some nights I’d love to fall into bed without washing my face too, but it truly causes so much damage that I wouldn’t even dream of it.
When makeup and impurities build up overnight, they lead to something called ‘oxidative stress’. This damages your collagen and elastin fibres, causing premature wrinkles. So, if you ever find yourself too tired to complete your full skincare routine, make sure you do your double cleanse at the very least, to keep your complexion youthful.
What’s the best treatment to remove unwanted facial hair?
The right answer is any way in which you feel comfortable 😊 As a skin expert though, aside from laser hair removal, threading is my top recommendation.
Unlike waxing or shaving, it’s super gentle on the skin and will neither damage your skin barrier or stretch your face which causes wrinkles to form faster. It’s also super quick so you can be in and out of the salon in half the time.
Why is my skin spottier during the menopause than it was in my teens?
This question comes up so often, so please don’t panic if you’re experiencing spots during this time - I promise you’re not alone 💕
As our oestrogen levels slowly decline, it can lead to an increase of testosterone which causes excess oil. This then clogs your pores and leads to sore, red spots.
To treat it, you need a routine like The 5 Minute Kit to restore complete balance and regulate your oil production. If you’re feeling out of sorts in general though, it’s always worth discussing symptoms with your GP for medical support too.
Do I really need to wash my face in the morning?
Cleansing your skin in the morning is essential, despite the current trend to skip it online! While some may argue against it to preserve natural oils, leaving oil, sweat, and bacteria on your skin can lead to spots and also prevents the rest of your morning routine from absorbing properly.
So to keep your skin in perfect condition, use a nourishing, pH-balanced face wash when you wake up, like the Dream Clean Cleanser. It will remove this overnight buildup without ever stripping your skin of moisture and ensures your complexion is always soft, supple and that your products are working effectively.
Why don’t you like fragrance in skincare?
In all honestly, this comes down to personal preference, but when I was creating BASE, I had a rule that I wouldn’t add any ingredients that didn’t REALLY need to be there. This way I could make the formulas as pure and powerful as possible.
The other reason I avoid it is because fragrance is renowned for causing irritation to those with sensitive skin. So, to ensure your complexion is always calm and happy, I’ll never add it into a bottle.
What are those rough, red bumps on the tops of my arms and legs?
Those rough, red bumps are likely something called Keratosis Pilaris. A totally harmless skin condition often referred to as ‘chicken skin’ that affects up to 80% of us…Myself included! It occurs when keratin (a protein that occurs naturally within your skin), gets trapped in your hair follicles, causing a rough, bumpy texture.
The best way to treat it is by using products with AHAs, which help dissolve the blockages. Thankfully, Pin Perfect contains 5 AHAs, so applying it 2-3 times a week will leave you with skin so smooth, your clothes might just slip off 😉
And there we have it - Nothing is ever as scary or embarrassing as we think, right?! Plus I always remind myself that if one person has asked a question, a thousand others are thinking it. So, you’re never alone and please never be too afraid to ask 🎃🧡

Amy x
Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!