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We're Talking All Things Skincare...

The secret drink celebrities swear by...
Salma Hayek believes this drink is the reason she’s managed to avoid Botox. So is it really collagen in a cup?
The best celebrity skin ageing secrets

Here are 3 A-listers with timeless beauty tips that are surprisingly simple, and you’ll wish you’d known their secrets sooner...

Answering your scariest skincare questions!
From facial hair and sleeping in your makeup to spots and washing your face, I'm answering the skincare questions many are afraid to ask...
The BIGGEST lesson my skin taught me this year
As I celebrate another birthday, I'm reflecting on my skincare journey and the life lessons I've learned in the past 12 months...
Celebrating Another Year of BASE!
As BASE officially turns 4, I wanted to write you all a little note and invite you to enter our biggest giveaway yet...
Why Celebs Swear by Microneedling

I reveal the secrets behind why the likes of Jennifer Aniston, Victoria Beckham, and even Brad Pitt have embraced this miraculous treatment...

Is ‘Gym Face’ Real?
Learn if high impact exercise can lead to sagging skin and discover my simple and easy tips to prevent premature ageing...
Debunking Summer Skincare Myths
As the sun continues to shine, let's debunk 3 of the biggest summer skincare mistakes to keep your skin clear, glowing, and healthy all season long...
Will SPF give you cancer?
This subject rears its ugly head every summer and it's about time we put this terrible rumour to bed...
Our Summer Sale is live!
To celebrate our biggest Event of the year, we've got a special offer for you and also, here's what charity you're helping to support this time around...
Spring beauty swaps you need to make 2024

The warmer weather is only round the corner and this trusty toolkit is sure to keep your skin clear, glowing and youthful for the sunnier months ahead...

4 Skincare facts you didn't know about me
Here are a few skincare lessons I’ve learnt so far that can make a difference for you too…