The BIGGEST lesson my skin taught me this year
I don’t know about you, but I’m absolutely loving the crisp chill in the air and the crunchy leaves beneath my feet. For me, this always signals the heart of October and, of course, my birthday! 🎂
Next Friday, I’ll be turning 32, and it’s got me reflecting on a few things. Maybe it’s because 32 was the age my parents were when I was born, which makes it feel like a pretty “grown-up” number!
As I’ve been looking back over the years, daydreaming about the goals still pinned on my vision board, I’ve found myself in that familiar mix of excitement and nerves. But you know what’s surprised me the most? The calm that’s come from my skin journey ✨
Reflecting on My Skincare Journey 🌿
When I was younger, all I wanted was to be rid of my acne and to have clear, glowing skin. I tried everything and anything to bring the spots under control and used to dream about the day I’d have the confidence to leave the house without my camouflage foundation - That’s literally what it was called!
Sure enough, with a little help from a skin clinic that went on to inspire my career, that goal was achieved. But, it happened so slowly and gradually, that I almost missed it. I was so obsessed with being totally blemish-free, that I never stopped to appreciate the joy of my skin looking a little clearer every time I looked in the mirror.
The Journey Is the Destination ✨
This reminds me of a quote that Will shared with me during one of our summer walks. He heard it on a podcast and it really stuck with me: “What if the destination is the journey?”
Yes, it sounds cliché, but it struck a chord with me. So much so that I jotted it down in my planner to remind myself during moments like this.
It’s so easy to continually focus on life’s grand to-do lists and aim to tick everything off as fast as possible. However, if I’ve learnt anything over the past 32 years, it’s that the magic always lies in the tiny day to day wonders that help get you where you want to go.
Celebrating Small Wins 🎉
Patience Brings Transformation ✨
So instead of worrying about all I have yet to achieve, I’m choosing to stay present. At 32, I know I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. 🥰
My New Focus 🌟
My resolution for this year is not to be hyper focused on the end goal, but instead just aim to be 1% better each day. By focusing solely on the 24 hours ahead, I can live every second of life to the fullest and my dreams will naturally take care of themselves 💕

Amy x
Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!