Spring clean your beauty routine like a skin expert
I think I can finely sense Spring in the air which makes me SO happy. I don’t know about you but I’m truly ready for the light nights, warm breezes and the smell of fresh, cut grass again.
I also think Spring brings with it a sense of renewal. A time to hit the refresh button and get everything realigned and in check. For this reason, I always take this time to reorganise and spring clean my beauty routine, as I love my dresser to feel like a skincare haven to settle into at the beginning and end of every day.
And judging by the sheer number of you who voted to read this blog on Instagram, I think you’re keen to create an at-home skincare retreat too. So here are my top tips to help get the spring cleaning underway…
#No.1: Clean your makeup applicators
I don’t know about you, but this job always falls to the bottom of my to-do list. With that being said, dirty makeup brushes or sponges become harboured with bacteria and spreading it around your face on a daily basis can lead to clogged pores, blackheads and blemishes.
To avoid this situation, try setting aside some time one evening just to give everything a good cleanse and I promise it’ll improve your skin texture and makeup application, no end.
I simply clean my tools with a gentle baby shampoo and leave them to air dry on a towel. It works a treat and won’t cause your skin any irritation.

#No.2: Clear out your stash
Despite my Uncle Maurice’s beliefs…sell by dates are there for a reason and the same goes for the ones on your beauty products!
It’s easy for things to get lost at the back of the cabinet or at the bottom of a makeup bag, but unfortunately it doesn’t mean they’re safe to use once they’re eventually unearthed.
I’ll pop a quick cheat sheet below for you on approximately how long your products will last once open, so as you go through and cleanse your stash you can work out what can stay, and what’s ready to throw.
Mascara: 3-6 months
Eyeliner: 6-12 months
Foundation and Concealer: 12-18 months
Lip Gloss: 12-18 months
Face Powders (Setting powder, blusher, bronzer): 18-24 months
Lipstick: 18-24 months
BASE Products: 24 months

You could either pop these in a cosmetics bag or I really rate those transparent, acrylic organisers that sit beautifully on your dresser. Many of you keep your BASE Kits and recycle the box for skincare storage which is absolutely genius! This ensures everything is easy to access and can’t get in a muddle.
I then create a second section (usually in the bathroom) for backup products. Keeping them separate means everything stays fresh and I never have more than one of anything open at a time, to limit waste. A tiny habit that works wonders for you and the planet too!

And they’re my top tips for spring cleaning your beauty routine. I’d love to hear if you give them a go or to see photos of your new, fresh and clean beauty stashes! Make sure to tag us on instagram 🥰
Amy x

Amy x
Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!