I tried a collagen supplement for 8 weeks
I've been super excited to write this blog as I’m talking all about my 8-week experience with collagen supplements. I asked if you’d be interested to hear my findings about a month ago over on Instagram and was blown away by your response…So here I am to share all.
I feel it's important to say that before I began this mini experiment on myself, I was quite sceptical about collagen supplements. Years ago, I attended a charity event with one of my lovely clients who is an aesthetic doctor and there was a company there promoting their collagen gummies.
Now gummies aren’t my thing anyway as they tend to be packed full of sugar, but my client explained they were a waste of time in general as the collagen molecule was too large to be absorbed by our bodies and therefore, we’d just pee it out…(I tried to find a way to put that more politely but, that’s exactly how she explained it to me! 😂) So, I put collagen supplements to the back of my mind and never really considered them again.
But fast forward to the present and as with all things in this industry, huge progress has been made, major research has been conducted and now collagen supplements have been proven to have huge benefits. This is because the collagen in these supplements is now hydrolysed, which simply means it has been broken down in such a way that it can be easily absorbed into our bloodstream, and we can reap the benefits.
So, why might we need it? Well, collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It is responsible for keeping our skin lifted, plump and full of elasticity, strengthening our bones, keeping our joints supple and promotes healthy hair and nail growth too.
The thing about collagen is that our production levels start to decline from the age of 25…Yep, 25. And by the time we get to 40, we will have lost around a third of our collagen. This means we begin noticing signs of ageing in our skin and as we head towards the menopause, our bones and joints tend to become weaker and achier. Anything that helps to strengthen our bodies and slow this process down, in my book, is a win!
Although more research still needs to be done, studies have shown that taking 3-10 grams of collagen a day can lead to improvements of skin elasticity and hydration in just 69 days. Another study showed that 500 people with osteoarthritis found that taking 10 grams of collagen a day for a period of 24 weeks, led to significant improvement in joint stiffness and pain.
Now, my skin, as we all know, is exceptionally well cared for. Therefore, I wasn’t sure how much of a difference I would notice in this department. I created The 5 Minute Kit to stimulate and protect collagen by using ingredients such as Retinol, Vitamin C and Peptides. They’re all proven to increase skin strength and structure when applied topically, so I was super intrigued to see what boosting my supply internally would do too.
Although I can’t see miraculous changes in my complexion, I can say that my healing rate appears super-fast! I extracted a little pimple last week and where it would usually be red and swollen for a while, it vanished at lightning speed.
The most obvious change for me though is in my hair and nails. They’ve both been growing at the rate of knots! My hair isn’t just longer, it feels thicker and my nails have grown at such an extraordinary rate that I decided to embrace it, shape them and paint them. They’re also unbelievably strong…I’m pretty sure I could use them as screwdrivers if necessary!
In terms of bone and joint health, again I’m very fortunate not to struggle in this department, but what I will say is I recently changed up my workout and found my recovery time has been accelerated. Will and I also hiked the highest peak in the Peak District back in March and I thought I’d be stiff as a board the next day…but I wasn’t! I felt no different than if I’d been for a gentle Sunday stroll.
So, in conclusion, from the results I’ve experienced in the past 2 months alone, I’m a fan. I think you have to commit to taking the supplement daily and embrace that collagen will deliver incredible long-term results, rather than overnight miracles. I look at it the same way I look at SPF, like an investment in your future self. Your dedication today will pay off in the years to come, but for now I’m happy with the accelerated healing, strong nails and rapidly growing hair.
For those interested in the one I tried, I’ll link it here. There are hundreds available, but I wanted to use one that’d be easily accessible for you and ticks all my (very fussy) boxes. I dissolve mine in my hot water every morning (Will puts his in his porridge and that works great too!), the taste is minimal and there’s no powdery residue.
Make sure you do your own research before trying though and always opt for a hydrolysed formula. Let me know if you give it a go and if you’ve got any questions at all, I’m only a message away 🥰

Amy x
Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!