My Ultimate Holiday Skin-Prep
As I gear up for my first mini-break in 7 years, this past week has been all about holiday skin-prep, so I can stay low maintenance while away. I don’t want to worry about melting makeup, bumpy skin, or unruly hairs, so I’ve tackled everything in advance. If you’re planning a trip or have a special occasion like a wedding coming up, here’s how I’ve prepped to stay present during these precious moments.
Let me walk you through my skin-prep routine…
4 Days Before...
Have you ever heard the saying ‘Prior preparation prevents poor performance’? Well, that’s what this day is all about - Prep work.
I start with a new razor head and my favourite shaving cream in the shower. Most of my body hair has actually been lasered, but I tidy up any stragglers by shaving WITH the direction of my hair growth. This is my top tip for preventing irritation, razor burn and ingrown hairs and it always feels super gentle on the skin.
For facial hair removal, I use a little electronic device that cuts the hairs at the root and means I don’t have to faff about with waxing - Which has previously left me a little scabby! I use this over my lip and chin only and then have a trusty pair of tweezers for my brows.
In fact, I have a whole blog on my facial hair removal routine, so I’ll link it HERE for you now.
3 Days Before...
Now my hair follicles are a little less sensitive than they were yesterday, it’s time for my favourite step…A layer of Pin Perfect.
This magical formula contains 5 AHAs which are the secret to erasing my bumpy, uneven strawberry legs and keratosis pilaris (AKA chicken skin) on my arms. It works by dissolving dead skin cells and clearing out oil, bacteria and dirt that naturally accumulates in our pores, for the silkiest, smoothest limbs.
The other reason I’m obsessed with it is because it’s the best way to prep for fake tan too. As a body exfoliator in moisturiser form, it’s able to eradicate the buildup of dry skin on our elbows, knees and ankles, which has definitely become more apparent with age for me! So I always make sure to pay special attention to these areas.
2 Days Before...
Now it’s time to become a bronzed goddess in the safest, healthiest way possible 🙌🏼 If you’re a longtime blog reader, you’ll know that there’s absolutely no way I’m going to be baking my skin in the sun whilst we’re away, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want that ‘lit from within’ glow. So, I always fake it.
I’ve tried almost every tanning treatment available and have to say my favourite method is simply a gradual tanning lotion. It’s practically fool-proof, doesn’t require a mitt and as it’s super hydrating, it prevents it going patchy too.
I always apply mine straight after my shower in the evening, so that I can pop on a pair of loose pyjamas and let the colour naturally develop through the night.
1 Day Before...
For me, this day is all about the finishing touches. I’ve decided I don’t want to wear any makeup whilst we’re away but I still want a touch of definition in all the right places. So, I tinted my brows and lashes.
As an Aesthetician, I’m of course qualified to do both. However, you don’t have to have a professional appointment to get beautiful results anymore, as there are 100% safe, at-home kits available online.
I always use black tint on my lashes and dark brown on my brows and just make sure you don’t lose track of time and the results will frame your face to perfection!
And now, I’m ready to fly! I’ve got my full 5 Minute Kit at the ready, a pair of lash curlers and a simple tinted lip balm for my low maintenance look 🥰 If you’re off on your travels soon too, make sure to tag us on Instagram with the hashtag #BASEONTOUR as we love to see your products around the world!
I also can’t wait to see you back here next week for a very special Pin Perfect restock…The biggest thank you for your patience as I know there’s lots of you waiting to get your hands on it 💕

Amy x
Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!