Say Goodbye to Skin Tags
This week we’re talking about one of the most common skin concerns of all time - Skin Tags!
They look a little like the bobbles you get on old woollen jumpers and are usually flesh toned, or a touch darker. Although completely harmless, I know they bother many of you.
So, here’s why you get them, what you can do to prevent them and how to correct any that have appeared...
Why do we get skin tags?
Skin tags are incredibly common and can happen to anyone, but certain factors can increase their likelihood 👇🏼
Friction: Skin tags often develop in areas where the skin rubs against itself or clothing, causing friction. Think the neck, eyelids, armpits and under your boobs.
Age: Skin tags become more common with age. As we lose collagen, it makes us more prone to developing benign growths.
Genetics: If your family members have skin tags, you might be more likely to get them too. My Mum is skin tag-prone, so I’m patiently awaiting my first one
Hormones: Hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause or hormone therapy can lead to an increase in growth factors, that can promote skin tag formation.
Health Conditions: Certain conditions like diabetes can also increase the risk of developing skin tags. This is due to insulin resistance effecting the growth of skin cells.
How to Prevent Skin Tags
While you can't prevent skin tags altogether, there are a few steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of developing them…
Maintain a Healthy Weight: I know this one is so much easier said than done, but keeping a healthy weight helps to reduce the friction in skin folds.
Keep Your Skin Dry: Areas prone to skin tags should be kept dry to minimise friction. So make sure you pay special attention when using your towel and apply a touch of powder if needed.
Wear Loose Clothing: Not that I needed an extra excuse for comfort, but tight clothing can also increase skin friction. So opt for looser, more breathable fabrics where possible.
Prioritise Moisturising: Hydration and nourishment strengthen your skin barrier, making you less prone to issues. So make sure you apply your One Cream Wonder to your face and neck and use Pin Perfect on the rest of your body. Imagine it like a skin conditioning cocoon 😍
How to Treat Skin Tags
If you already have skin tags, you might be wondering how to get rid of them. I once had a lady come into clinic who had tied a long piece of thread around one of hers and was waiting for it to drop off 🙈
I can confirm that I definitely do not recommend this tactic and thankfully, there is a much easier, safer technique to send skin tags on their way - Enter, advanced electrolysis.
Advanced electrolysis is a treatment that uses an ultra fine needle and a small electric current to remove skin tags safely and effectively.
The current destroys the skin tag's cells, causing it to dry up and naturally fall off. This method is precise and targets only the skin tag, leaving the surrounding skin unharmed.
Advanced electrolysis used to be available in GP surgeries, but now you’ll need to visit your local skin clinic. They’ll usually invite you in for a thorough consultation first, access your individual skin tags, walk you through the process and then book your first appointment. It’s as simple as that 🙌🏼
The only other thing I must highlight, is that if you’re concerned about the appearance of any lesions on your body, please, please go and get it checked by your doctor.
A lady in my inbox the other week said her mother thought she had a skin tag and unfortunately, it turned out to be far more serious. So never hesitate to get a professional opinion if you’re unsure 💕
And that’s everything you need to know! As always, my inbox is open if you have any questions at all and let me know if there are any other skin concerns you’d like me to cover, and I’ll get writing 🥰

Amy x
Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!