The 'all-in-one' skincare debate
I recently received the most extraordinary before and after photos from our lovely customer, Anika and I had to share her story with you because it comes up so much in clinic.
Anika had been using a brand that prescribes ‘all-in-one’ skincare products for 18 months, but had seen little to no results...
She sent me a message to explain the situation and then cautiously gave The 5 Minute Kit a go, to see if we could help transform her skin. Within literally 4 weeks the difference was unbelievable and even I, was taken aback by her results!
This sparked a whole conversation in the office about why ‘all-in-one’ products simply do not work. It’s not because they are poor quality or made using subpar ingredients, it’s simply because they focus on ‘correction’ only.
For example, on the high street, you may recognise 7in1 creams that promise to do everything from refining your pores to restoring firmness. And then there are the newer, dermatologist led brands, that mix bespoke formulas to supposedly conquer all your skin problems, in just one tiny bottle.
But without the ‘prevention’ and ‘protection’ steps in your routine, you’ll be constantly swimming against the tide and skin conditions will reoccur. This would explain why if you flicked through my inbox or sat with me for a day in clinic, you’d hear the endless stories of all-in-one skincare defeat, like Anika’s.
Unfortunately no single product can successfully treat all aspects of your skin at once - It’s literally impossible! Imagine trying to bake a cake with just a couple of eggs? Without the flour, sugar and butter, you can’t get anywhere! The same goes for your skin, it takes a combination of products, layered correctly to effectively treat and maintain skin concerns, rather than offering just a temporary solution.
This is why the only real way to create long-lasting change, is to follow a complete skincare routine, like The 5 Minute Kit. Each product builds on the last and they work in unison to thoroughly address all of your skin concerns and then perfectly preserve the results. Which is why, in 4 short weeks, Anika has experienced such a dramatic transformation 👇🏼
Her complexion is not just profoundly clearer and more even, but she’s actually glowing ✨ Anika was also keen to highlight that the little spot in the bottom, right hand photo is a bug bite, and not a blemish!
In her wonderful email, Anika wrote ‘your products are simply magic 🥰’ which is something I often joke about too. But in truth, it isn’t witchcraft or wizardry, it’s just the best, scientifically-proven ingredients, layered in the right place, at the right time - Then the results take care of themselves and most importantly, can be maintained…
So technically, I’m more of a skincare Mary Berry, than Hermione Granger 😂
I’m so grateful to Anika for allowing me to share her story so far. I know many of our customers begin in exactly the same position and she will inspire more people to abandon the search for that one ‘miracle product’. Unfortunately it doesn’t exist, but our one miracle, 5 minute routine, definitely does ✨

Amy x
Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!