Your Summer Skin Reset
Summer finally made an appearance this week and although I may appear like the sun police, the warmer weather makes me so happy 🙌🏼☀️
With that being said, it can bring multiple challenges for our skin. So if you’re struggling with sunshiny side effects such as burns, bites or rashes, here’s your step by step guide to soothing it all…
Instantly soothe sun burn
People are often nervous to admit to me that they’ve got burnt, but I totally understand that sometimes, it just happens!
If this is you, the first thing you need to do is get out of the sun and cool your skin. To do this, take a gentle cloth like our So-Soft Face Cloth, run it under cool water and press it over the effected area to remove the heat.
Once that’s done, grab yourself some pure aloe vera gel and cover the area in it. I know there are hundreds of ‘after sun’ products available, but they’re usually full of fragrance and irritants your skin doesn’t want or need. Plus heavy creams can lock excess heat into your skin and make it feel very uncomfortable - So a gel is always your best bet.
If it’s your face that’s burnt, although it pains me to say it, you need to dodge almost all your BASE products until it’s completely healed. The only one you should keep applying is Sunbeam Cream - SPF 50 which would go on top of your aloe vera gel each morning.
Quickly reduce insect bites
When we were little, my sister and I shared a bed on holiday and she got eaten alive by mosquitoes and none of them came near me!
New research suggests this may be because of our skin microbes. We each have a unique combination of bacteria that lives on the surface of our skin and the mozzies prefer some more than others…Sorry Millie!
Of course there are lots of tools and remedies to keep the bugs at bay, but if you’re being targeted regardless, here’s how you can soothe the itching.
My number one tip is to grab yourself some baby teething gel with local anaesthetic and dab it over the bites. This numbs the area and reduces the itching so you don’t accidentally burst the blister and increase the risk of infection.
As always though, if any look particularly angry or inflamed, pop to your local pharmacy for personalised advice 😊
Fast heat rash relief
Hot weather can trigger heat rash or ‘prickly heat’ as my Mum always calls it. It happens when our sweat glands become blocked and this creates that red, blotchy rash across your body.
Although it’s not dangerous or contagious in any way, it can be extremely uncomfortable. Fortunately, it will heal naturally within a few days if left alone, but if you want to accelerate the process, there’s a few things you can do.
Firstly, you want to prevent as much sweating as possible. This means opting for loose fitting clothes made with natural fibres such as cotton, linen and silk. The other way to cool your skin is to wrap a bag of frozen peas in a tea towel and gently hold it over the affected areas to soothe your skin.
It’s also super important to avoid any fragranced products, including those made with essential oils. They can sting and burn sensitive skin which is why you’ll never find any perfumes in the BASE range.
Et voila, that’s your summer skin toolkit to get you through this little heatwave. And whilst we’re on the subject of sun, I’ve got a little treat for you 🙌🏼
This month, if you share a snap of your beautiful BASE face with your products and tag us using @baseskncare over on Instagram, we’ll give you £10 worth of BASE Points to use towards your next order.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re enjoying a staycation or you’re jetting across the globe - I’m excited to see your skincare adventures, far and wide 💕

Amy x
Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!