Why you're still getting hormonal spots
Every week I receive messages from women who are frustrated with sore, red, hormonal spots. It’s not acne, just a couple of large blemishes that seem to make themselves at home on either their chin or jawline.
Understanding Hormonal Spots
These spots are often considered a rite of passage through our teenage years, but what the puberty books failed to mention is that they can persist well into adulthood. The truth is, for women, hormonal fluctuations don’t stop once we exit our teens; they continue through every chapter of life.
For example, just before your period, your estrogen and progesterone levels drop. This means your testosterone levels can become more dominant and naturally increase your oil production. The excess oil then pools in your pores, causing them to become blocked and resulting in those big, angry spots. A similar process also occurs during menopause, which is why many women compare their complexions to their teenage children.
Effective Treatments for Hormonal Spots
Thankfully, this can all be treated, but it requires a multi-faceted approach.
When it comes to tackling these hormonal spots topically, everything you need is in your 5 Minute Kit. It’s designed to perfectly balance your oil production and contains ingredients such as retinol and AHAs to keep your pores perfectly clear too.
In fact our lovely customer, Anika, sent me this amazing before and after photo on Friday. She’s only been using the Kit a week and look at the incredible reduction in hormonal breakouts already 👇🏼
The other things to be mindful of are your diet and stress levels. A diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains can help to regulate your hormones from the inside out. And incorporating stress-reducing activities such as yoga, meditation or even walking, helps to limit hormonal imbalances too.
When to Seek Professional Help
With this being said, if your hormones are having an impact on your quality of life, make sure to reach out to your GP. They can prescribe medications such as contraceptives or HRT to help you feel the best version of you.
So, now we know that hormonal spots can appear regardless of age and affect us all one way or another. But with thoughtful, consistent habits, we can control and reduce their frequency for clear, radiant skin.

Amy x
Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!