One of the most common questions I hear is, “How much of skin ageing is genetic?” Will we end up looking like our mothers, or can we control how our skin ages?
For many years, it was believed that 75% of skin ageing was genetic, with the remaining 25% influenced by lifestyle choices. However, recent research has completely flipped these numbers. Today, studies suggest that only around 10% of skin ageing is genetic. So, if it’s not your DNA causing your skin to age, what is?
The Science Behind Skin Ageing: Lifestyle vs Genetics
A fascinating study published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery by Guyuron et al. analyzed nearly 200 sets of identical twins to determine the impact of lifestyle on skin ageing. Since identical twins share the same DNA, any differences in their skin would highlight the effects of lifestyle choices.
1. Sun Exposure
In one set of 61-year-old twins, Twin B spent 10 more hours a week in the sun than Twin A. As a result, her skin had deeper pigmentation and more pronounced wrinkles.
2. Smoking and Sun Exposure
In another set of 52-year-old twins, Twin A had seven times the sun exposure and had also smoked for 20 more years than Twin B. Both smoking and sun exposure break down collagen, and the difference in their skin was undeniable.
3. Stress
In a set of 54-year-old twins, Twin B went through a stressful divorce after 27 years of marriage, while Twin A had been happily married for 30 years. The stress in Twin B’s life accelerated the ageing process, leading to deeper lines and darker under-eye circles.
How Lifestyle Affects Skin Ageing
Although more research is needed, the evidence clearly shows that lifestyle choices play a major role in how our skin ages. The good news is that we can actively influence the skin we’ll have in our 50s, 60s, and beyond. Isn’t that amazing?
To protect your skin as you age, it’s crucial to have a strong skincare routine, like
The 5 Minute Kit, to treat, reverse, and prevent signs of skin ageing. But skincare alone isn’t enough...You also need to make healthy lifestyle choices. Here’s how you can protect your skin from the 4 S’s:
1. Sun: Did you know the sun causes up to 90% of skin ageing? That’s why it’s essential to apply
Sunbeam Cream - SPF 50 every morning, come rain or shine.
2. Smoking: Smoking accelerates collagen breakdown, leading to premature wrinkles. If you’re a smoker, consider reaching out for help to quit - it’s not just your skin that will benefit.
3. Sugar: Sugar triggers a process called glycation, where excess glucose binds to collagen and elastin, causing them to break down. This leads to wrinkles and sagging. While indulging occasionally is fine, try to keep sugar intake in check for healthier skin.
4. Stress: Stress increases cortisol levels, which breaks down collagen and leads to inflammation. This can cause wrinkles, breakouts, and exacerbate skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. To reduce stress, make time for self-care every day, whether it's yoga, meditation, or a soothing bath.
Conclusion: The Power is in Your Hands
This information might divide opinions. Some of you may be thrilled that you can control how your skin ages, while others might feel disappointed if your parents have radiant skin. But remember, if your mother has beautiful skin, it’s likely due to good habits like regular skincare and self-care. Follow her example, and you’ll be well on your way to healthy, youthful skin!