How Pamela Anderson stole the show at Paris Fashion Week 2023
This blog wasn’t actually on my schedule, but I was reading Vogue earlier this week and just had to talk about an article I read.
Paris Fashion Week has just shown the spring/summer 2024 collections of world renowned designers, but it wasn’t the clothes that made the headlines…It was Pamela Anderson’s face.
Now, I have to be honest and say I know very little about Pamela’s career. However I am aware that she is famed for her flowing blonde locks and of course, her glamour. So although it shouldn’t be at all surprising, it certainly made me click the link when I read that she attended Fashion Week completely BARE-FACED and makeup-free.
I can only imagine the pressure celebrities sat in the front row of such events feel. The room is practically lit by flashbulbs of the world’s media and if so much as a brow hair is out of place, you can guarantee they’ll be torn apart by the gossip columns, before the last model has even made it down the catwalk.
This is probably why so many applauded to see Pamela embrace her naturally radiant, clear complexion with what was described as ‘palpable confidence’. These days, almost every other A-Lister travels with a hair and makeup team as standard. But often it feels like they’re no longer tasked with representing the client’s style, but simply providing a suit of armour that protects them from the constant scrutiny online.
Oscar-winner, Jamie Lee Curtis, described Pamela’s bare face as an ‘act of courage and rebellion’. She said ‘this woman showed up and claimed her seat at the table with nothing on her face’, and I genuinely sat for a good few minutes mulling over my thoughts about it all.
At first, if I’m completely honest with you, I thought this was almost an over the top reaction. How can a woman showing up to a fashion event without her lipstick possibly be described as ‘courageous’? But the more I thought about it, the more I agreed with Jamie.
Next week, two of our lovely friends are getting married and the thought of attending their big day makeup-free, makes me feel a little uncomfortable. But why is that? My skin is the best it’s ever looked and I’ve got absolutely nothing I want to hide. Unfortunately, this means it’s highly likely I’ve just been conditioned by society to believe I’m somehow ‘better’ with my makeup on.
Of course this is not true and is precisely why I think Pamela’s courage to change the narrative, needs celebrating. She said in previous years she just went along with what people were telling her to do and her goal now is simply to focus all her attention on self-acceptance and embracing her natural beauty…Something I suspect many of us can relate to.
This is why some of my favourite reviews we’ve ever received about The 5 Minute Kit, are the ones where women have shared how the routine has given them the confidence to go completely makeup-free too. Not only does this make me burst with pride, but it inspires me more than you can imagine.
To be entirely comfortable in your own skin is a joy to behold and it’s my true hope that Vogue’s prediction is correct and that Pamela Anderson has indeed started a ‘Bare-Faced Beauty Revolution’…I know we’ll have an army of glowing BASE faces right behind her ❤️

Amy x
Amy is a qualified skin expert and founder of BASE. When she’s not writing about skincare, you’ll find her applying it, developing it or daydreaming about it instead!